Skincare Tips For Winter Weather
The winter season is upon us once more. It is time to expect the cold to become an issue. The weather may bring in a lot of concerns, especially when it comes to health. What some people may neglect to look after may be their skin. As the cold season begins, our skin may begin […]
Marijuana Compounds May Protect Against MS Damage
Multiple sclerosis is a disease that is still without cure. Treatments available only serve to address the various symptoms that the disease may exhibit. One of the more controversial treatments involves the use of marijuana. Recent studies seem to bolster the fact that it may help in MS treatment. According to researchers from Tel Aviv […]
Essential Tips To Achieve Better Sleep
Sleep is an essential part of everyday life. Unfortunately, some people are not giving it as much importance as they should. The body requires enough sleep to rejuvenate and repair its different parts. But in today’s busy world, people sacrifice sleep in order to do more things. What happens is that the body gets stressed […]
Researchers Discover How Vitamin D May Benefit MS
There has been an ongoing debate as to how vitamin D may benefit people suffering from multiple sclerosis. Studies have shown that this nutrient offers a means to prevent or ease the symptoms of the disease. But the scientists do not know the underlying reasons behind it. The association was based on the observation that […]
Basic Rules For Good Eye Care
Eye care is an important health topic that most people seem to disregard. People do not seem to care a lot about taking care of their vision while it is in good condition. They seem to act only when they begin to suffer through certain vision problems. But sometimes action during this time may already […]
Study No Link Between Alcohol Consumption And MS
Medical experts previously believe that drinking alcohol may have an effect on multiple sclerosis. That is why many doctors advise patients at risk of MS to refrain from drinking alcohol. But a recent study seems to refute this idea. Research funded by the Swedish Medical Research Council seems to indicate that drinking alcohol does not […]
New Research Suggests Link Between Anxiety and Stroke Risk
Does feeling anxious often put you at more risk of having a stroke? New research seems to be saying so. According to researchers of a study funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National Institute of Mental Health, the greater your anxiety level, the more at risk you will be of […]
Cancer Early Warning Signs
Cancer is considered one of the leading causes of death among humans. People who suffer from cancer can be in a lot of pain and suffering because of its usually slow progression. A tumor can grow slowly over time without showing any symptoms or outward signs. Only when these tumors become malignant and break off […]
Antioxidant Drug Shows Promise Treating MS Symptoms In Mice
A type of antioxidant drug designed by scientists about 12 years ago has been found to be effective in significantly reducing symptoms of multiple sclerosis-like disease in mice. Researchers from the Oregon Health and Science University found that an antioxidant called MitoQ may be effective in treating MS. The said antioxidant has been found to […]
Researchers Discover How Persistent Bacteria Can Withstand Antibiotics
Antibiotics have become a common and effective means of fighting off bacterial infections. But over the course of time, some bacteria may develop resistance to certain antibiotics that makes them more difficult to combat with the same treatment. Some persistent bacteria simply become dormant or inactive when exposed to certain antibacterial treatments, whichhelp them survive. […]